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My Creative Pen Pal


I did an online course about creativity this year, and at the end of it we were asked if we wanted to have a creative pen pal.  Eek, I have not had a pen pal since I was about 10, so I wasn’t really sure how this was going to work out for me!  In the end I said yes, and I’m really glad that I did.  Today I received a little present in the mail, and it was so bright and cheerful, it made me feel very happy!  I am pretty sure my pen pal did not know that yesterday was my birthday either, so this was an extra special treat for me.

Things have been pretty crazy here recently (in a good way), but I am looking forward to taking a moment to have a cup of tea and some organic chocolate!  It all smells so delicious.

My deepest gratitude to everyone who has either ordered work from my Etsy shop, bought work from one of the galleries that sells my work, or visited me at the markets.  You make it possible for me to keep being creative, and I am really looking forward to trying some new things in 2015.