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Red Italian and Recycled glass earrings

Red Italian and Recycled glass earrings

Day 19. It’s funny how many “rules” you can make for your own artwork, without really knowing why you have made things a rule. One of my rules has been keeping my recycled glass beads separate from my Italian glass beads when I make jewellery. I have no real idea why I have done this because when I mix the two, I can make pretty earrings like these with gorgeous red Italian glass beads and beads made from a wine bottle! Hmm, maybe some more of my creative “rules” will be broken during this daily challenge!

Red Italian and Recycled glass earrings
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Organic glass bead earrings

Organic glass bead earrings

Day 18. Experimenting with more organic styles of beads. These are old beads, and I kind of like that the frit is not melted all the way in, leaving it slightly bumpy and textural! I don’t often make organic beads, but I think I might add it to my list of beads to make more of this year.

Organic glass bead earrings
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Daily challenges can be interesting

brown glass earrings

Day 17. I know that I am not going to love every pair of earrings that I make, and maybe you won’t either, but one thing I have learned to do in these daily challenges is to quiet my inner critic and just let myself make something, because what I know for sure is that making something can lead me into unknown and even more interesting places (whereas making nothing because I can’t seem to get it quite right, leads me nowhere). Today I don’t love what I have made, but I do love that I made something. Phew.

brown glass earrings
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Long Green Glass Bead Earrings

Long Green Glass Bead Earrings

Day 16. A special request for a pair of green earrings, similar to the blue earrings from day 11. I love hearing what you like about the earrings that I am making, and I am happy to try some of your ideas too! Just let me know what you would like to see, and I will see if I can make it happen. No obligations to purchase, it just adds some fun to my challenge every now and then.

Long Green Glass Bead Earrings
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Acid-etched glass earrings

acid-etched glass earrings

Day 14. I love the look of acid-etched opaque glass. It gives the beads a completely different look, and I often get asked if it is glass. It definitely is, but this process totally transforms it. It looks different and it also feels different too, with a more smoother, silky texture.

acid-etched glass earrings
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Spotty, stripey earrings

spotty stripey earrings

Day 13. Spots and stripes. Some days I have a solid idea for a pair of earrings, some days I have made the beads the day before and I know what I am going to make. But today I sat down, started looking at the beads I have, picked a few out, put a few together, tried a few other options, and then these beads appeared and looked so good together that I decided they would be today’s earrings!

spotty stripey earrings