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I am getting ready to load some more recycled glass jewellery onto the Ethikl website.  I like Ethikl a lot; they have a great fee structure, and being a smaller site, it gives my work a chance to be “discovered”.

This set is made from a Coopers Clear beer bottle.  I am really loving the finish that I am getting from this glass.  The beads are all really beautiful, and the necklace is something that will work with anything in your wardrobe.

Stay tuned!

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School Holidays!

I have to be honest….I love school holidays!

My daughter started school this year, and my husband is a school teacher, so school holidays are a great opportunity for me to get a little more time to make beads, because he is home to help out.

I also like the less hectic pace of school holidays, and the less yelling at the kids that I do as a result!  It seems every school morning is a battle to make it to school on time.  School holidays are great, there are no timetables!

We will get out and do things on most morning: a walk somewhere, a bike ride, a playground, maybe even feeding the ducks.  And the afternoons will be spent at home: reading books, playing in the sandpit, possibly doing a craft activity.

I hope you enjoy your holidays too!


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Market Weekend – starts next Friday October 3


I will be hosting a market night on my website, starting next Friday October 3.  It will run until Sunday afternoon, or until sold out.

There will be 9 items available to purchase.  They will be a mix of items that I would normally have taken to market – some new pieces, some older things.

They will be one-off, meaning only 1 person can buy the item!  Just like at a market.

If you want to make sure you don’t miss out on the details, please subscribe to my mailing list.

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MAGE Award

I found out yesterday that the necklaces that I submitted for the MAGE award have been selected as finalists!

“Now approaching its fourth year, the Mansfield Art Glass Exposition (MAGE) conducted by the Arts Council of Mansfield in Victoria, is one of the largest most exciting contemporary art glass events in Australia.”

This was the first year that Contemporary Glass Jewellery was added as a category!

Winners will be announced on 24th October.

Detail of the Coopers Ale necklace
The beads in this necklace were made from a Coopers Sparkling Ale bottle, with assorted embellishments.
Close up of the Moet Champagne bottle necklace.
The beads in this necklace were made from a Moet Champagne bottle.
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Bead Orders


I have had a lot of lovely bead orders come in recently.  It’s been fun, because some of the orders have been for beads that I haven’t made for a long time!  I have enjoyed making them again, and sometimes I wonder why I ever stopped making them!  Anyway, these beads are for someone who has some great plans for them.  I hope to show you when she has had a chance to make them.

If you have ever thought about ordering some beads from me, for your own jewellery project, simply email me at and ask me about it.  I am really happy to accept custom orders.

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Bad days on the torch


I would say that most of the days that I spend on the torch are “good” days.  But the other day things just weren’t working out, this particular bead was loose on the mandrel, and there was no saving it…so I dunked it in the water that I have nearby, and this is the result!  Felt strangely satisfying….

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Ethikl is a great place to shop for all sorts of products.  I have just updated all of my recycled glass jewellery on there.  Free shipping globally.

Marketplace for Eco Friendly, Natural and Fair Trade products by independent producers and suppliers

CoopersGoldBracelet1 GreenDepBracelet1 SkyyBracelet1 WineBlueBracelet1