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New necklaces

I made some new necklaces while I was at T’Arts on Saturday. A mix of recycled glass beads and Italian glass beads.

Colourful Necklaces

What do you do when you accumulate lots of small round beads from years of making extra beads? Make necklaces! I am so happy with how these necklaces turned out.…

T’Arts today

In my happy place today! Looks like I need to get cracking on making some new necklaces for @tartscollective as there are a few empty busts now.

Flower Sticks

It’s starting to look a bit like a florist shop at my house with so many of these glass flower sticks ready for my window exhibition at @tartscollective starting on February 23.

Leaf beads

So happy with this! I never intended to add leaves to the mix, but a happy accident meant I ended up with a leaf press and I am so glad…

Leaf Press

I added a new press to my collection this week! This one can make leaf shapes, with a bit of help from me. Looking forward to testing it out more…

Black and White flower sticks

Thanks to everyone who has been in touch about the flower sticks. I am so encouraged by all of your kind words. I will have all sorts of colours and…

Flower beads

I am feeling very inspired by flowers at the moment, so I am making lots of flower jewellery for my window exhibition at @tartscollective too! I will be setting up on Sunday…

Everlasting flower vases

Just a little something I am playing around with. I am thinking of making some of these with flower sticks all ready to go in a lovely vase filled with…

More flower sticks

More flower sticks to share. I love the pinks/purples/reds in this batch. My kitchen table is starting to look like a florist as little bunches of glass flowers are slowly…