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Colour Play

Oh, exciting, it’s time (finally) for Colour Play!

So, I was saying yesterday that I’ve been doing a lot of production lately, and have not really made anything “new” for a while.  I decided to do something about it, and so every week I’ll be featuring a new necklace (or two).   Well, some of them might not be entirely new, but they might have sparked some new work.  We’ll find out as we go!

This month I decided to play with red beads.  I make a lot of necklaces with red as the feature, but with other colours too, such as black and white or orange.  This month I wanted to stick, strictly, with just red beads.

This first week I am featuring necklaces that have 9 red teardrop beads.  Both versions are pretty cool, and I’m struggling to work out which one is my favourite.  I think it would depend on what I was wearing it with to be honest.

Without further ado…here are the 2 new necklaces I am sharing with you this week.  Both necklaces (along with several others) are available in my shop.  You can simply click on the photo to go to my shop.  Enjoy!

Red handmade glass beads on silver wire necklace

Handmade red glass bead necklace by Julie Frahm

Red handmade glass bead necklaces by Julie FrahmRed handmade glass bead necklaces by Julie FrahmRed handmade glass bead necklaces by Julie Frahm