Congratulations to Fiona, Carol, Vanessa and Cathryn! Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter my Musings from the Past competition. I had over 30 entries that all took me on a lovely journey through my bead and jewellery making history! There were so many moments when I thought ‘why did I stop making those pieces?’ It was lovely to reconnect with some old designs. I hadn’t realised the colours were going to line up like this until I created the picture! What a lovely coincidence. The heart bead takes me back SO many years – why did I stop making necklaces with a single bead? Dotty beads have always been a favourite way for me to play with colours. And red is always a significant colour for me to work with too. I feel blessed that you all took the time to send me your photos and comments. I wish everyone could have won a prize 🏆