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On my walk this morning…

It was so lovely to walk this morning.  The last few days have been very busy and very tiring physically.  We moved house!  Actually we moved into our own home.  It’s been such a long journey for us to finally be living in our own home.  I am so grateful that we are finally here!

At school drop off this morning one of the mums told me she had finished all of their Christmas shopping.  I was impressed.  We haven’t even started thinking about any of that yet!  Are you a last minute shopper too?  Don’t worry.  If you are last minute, and you need some jewellery gifts, then you can find me at the following markets this weekend and next weekend.  If you miss the markets, you can always find me at one of the shops where I sell my work.  Each shop has a different range, so if you are after something specific, let me know so I can point you in the right direction.

Here is the view from my walk this morning:

Morning Walk



1 thought on “On my walk this morning…

  1. Congratulations on your new home, and well done on your house move! I hope you get some rest between now & “Etsy Made Local” on Saturday! 😛 M x o

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