Part of being a member of the Textile and Arts Collective (T’Arts), involves doing a shift in the shop every 4 weeks. I love my day in the shop (I think I mentioned this before). I take my beads, I take my tools, and when it is quiet, I make things!
Saturday was my turn to run the shop, and it was so quiet, the quietest day I have had there for a long time. It was also very hot, hence the lack of customers. But that was OK, it gave me a chance to dust and tidy up, and when that was all done, it also gave me a chance to make some jewellery.
Early in the afternoon a man came into the shop, and I asked him what brought him out on such a hot day. “Looking for a birthday present,” he said, and he seemed to be familiar with T’Arts so I just mentioned that I was there to help him if he needed any help.
After looking at lots of different items, he ventured towards the front counter. “Does AussieJules have any other necklaces anywhere?” he asked.
I giggled. “Um I do, what were you interested in?”
He thought it was great that I was actually on duty, and so we started talking about what he was looking for. I told him to give me an hour or so, and I would be able to make something for him.
I spent the next hour putting together a couple of very different necklaces. He chose the one above, and I forgot to take a photo of the other one.
It was such a lovely way to spend part of the afternoon, making a special necklace for a special birthday present. I felt really lucky that I was on duty that day. Can’t wait to do my next shift there.