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Trying new things…

Day 253. Trying new things. I have been feeling slightly blah about my daily challenge recently. I wouldn’t say I was bored, but I am probably a bit uninspired. I had some ideas leftover from SALA that I haven’t tried because….learning curve! It can be hard to try new things when there is so much to learn. It’s like, you can read about it, watch videos, but the actual doing it for yourself is hard work! So today I told myself I would take one small step towards my new idea. I didn’t have to get it “right” but I had to try something. So I found the copper disks that I purchased about 4 years ago, and I made a start. This is definitely not where it ends, but it was nice to make a start. I will take another small step tomorrow, and the next day, and we shall see where it goes.