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Colour Play – Earrings #1

Last year I was thinking that while I love the earrings that I make, it was probably time to make some new ones.  I resolved to spend time every day drawing earrings, and in particular my goal was to draw one pair every day!

It has been a great habit to get into, and I have managed to draw at least one pair of earrings every day.  I know I’ll never make some of these earrings, but it has been a great habit to develop, and something I’ll be able to look back on for years to come (hopefully)!  I’m still going too, so who knows what else will pop out.

This series for Colour Play was inspired by my drawings, and the realisation that I actually needed to make some earrings!  I decided to make this selection with recycled glass, and I tried hard to keep the beads simple, and the earrings all a bit different.

This first set of earrings have a lot of movement!  The first pair is made from a Coopers Ale beer bottle, and the second pair is from a clear Banrock Station wine bottle.  Both earrings have one contrasting bead embellished with pixie dust.

Check out my shop for more details.  Please note the Coopers Ale earrings have sold.

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New jewellery

I have been thinking about new jewellery for T’Arts for a little while now, and have finally found some time to make new work.  Here are 3 of the necklaces that I made.  Love the colours of these ones.  They are a great mix of transparent, opaque and coloured glass.

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My colour wheel

I spend a lot of time with my colour wheel!  It sits on the desk in front of me, so whenever I am working, I can easily check out colour combinations and ideas that may or may not work!

I love playing with all of the colours, and these colour wheel necklaces are a lot of fun to make.  I have plans to make some more colour wheel jewellery soon!

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View from my studio

I am hoping to get some beads made over the long weekend.  It’s also the start of the school holidays, so I am hoping to get lots of beads made while my husband is home to help out with things.  My mandrels are dipped and ready to go…

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Rainbow bracelets

I made several rainbow bracelets recently, and I have to admit….every time I make these bracelets I wish I made an extra one for myself.  They are so easy to wear, lots of colour.

In fact, I think I am going to make a couple for myself very soon.  They will be my little pop of colour on these rainy days.

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View from my studio

I have had a tricky week, with sick children, and it has had a bit of an impact on how many beads I got made this week.  Still, kids come first, and I’ll get to the work when I get a chance.

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Greenery #4

And for the final part of the Greenery series, inspired by the Pantone 2017 colour of the year, I have a series of new earrings.  A variety of greens.  Something for everyone!

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Making custom necklaces…

I love the process of making necklaces for people.  Sometimes it’s really clear what the customer wants, and it all goes fairly smoothly.

Other times, the vision is less clear, so I make what I think the customer will like….and sometimes I get it right!  But sometimes I get it wrong (like the photograph below).

I have no problems with getting it wrong, because I feel that sometimes you have to see something to know if you like it or not.  And if it’s not quite right….it’s usually fairly easy to tweak it to make it right.