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Pretty colour combinations

Recycled glass earrings | contrasting beads made from wine and gin bottles

I think I might have mixed feelings about mixing colours! On the one hand, I love it and I love wearing mixed colours. I am sitting here with a jumper that has a blue/black striped middle section, and purple/pink stripes on one sleeve, and yellow/grey stripes on the other sleeve.

On the other hand…well, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and you kind of have to be a bit careful about how you do it. Or maybe that’s just my thoughts on it, which are not totally valid, because I haven’t really tested them too much.

So, I am trying to stretch my ideas about mixing colours by putting together some combinations of colours that I wouldn’t normally put together. Yesterday’s earrings are a great example of that stretch!

Today I thought I would stretch again by putting some bright blue (Bombay Sapphire Gin) beads back with some pretty purple beads.  Hmmm….I quite like this. It’s pretty and fresh, and different.

Recycled glass earrings | contrasting beads made from wine and gin bottles