I’m slightly obsessed with long earrings at the moment. They are so much fun to wear and depending on your face and hairstyle they can be a real hit!
These earrings are made from a mix of recycled glass beads.
I’m slightly obsessed with long earrings at the moment. They are so much fun to wear and depending on your face and hairstyle they can be a real hit!
These earrings are made from a mix of recycled glass beads.
A little while ago I made a necklace that featured Coopers Ale beads with gold leaf on them.
Someone left a very kind comment saying they would like a pair of earrings like that, so it got me to thinking: how could I make earrings like that?
Here is the end result! I tried this pair on to see how they would feel, and I was thrilled to feel absolutely amazing with them on! They are bigger than other earrings I have made, quite a statement, still light, very sparkly and super feminine.
I have to say that I am loving this year of creativity. I am finding that I am constantly jotting down ideas for all sorts of things: beads to make, glass to try, and all sorts of pieces of jewellery to contemplate. I hope it continues for the rest of the year, but so far….so good!