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Hendricks Square Hoop Earrings

Recycled glass earrings | beads made from a Hendricks Gin bottle, perfect for gin o'clock

I had so much fun doing the “Is this useful” series, and sharing where the recycled glass beads originated from. I think it’s fun to make those connections, and for people to maybe start wondering about glass and recycling a little bit more.

Today I made a pair of earrings from a Hendrick Gin bottle. I am heading “out on the town” with my husband tonight. These nights are fairly rare, and very precious! I feel like wearing these earrings as I sip on a Gin and Tonic at a trendy little bar in Adelaide!

Recycled glass earrings | beads made from a Hendricks Gin bottle, perfect for gin o'clock


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Is this useful – post #6

Recycled glass beads | sometimes the colour disappears!

I’ve been having so much fun making beads from all of these new objects. I’ve been excited by the new colours of glass that have worked really well.

And then…well, let’s just say I had very high hopes for this beautiful gin bottle. I thought the colour was great, and it would mix well with some of the other gin bottle colours that I am using. But then I heated the glass, and all of that beautiful colour disappeared!

Recycled glass beads | sometimes the colour disappears!

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Change one thing…

recycled glass earrings

I’m slightly obsessed with the idea of changing one thing in a design to create a completely new thing! It kind of started with these bracelets (bracelet 1, bracelet 2, bracelet 3, bracelet 4).

And today I have done it again with two pairs of earrings. I have used the same beads, and the same hand-formed/textured rings, but by changing the position of the beads I have created two very different pairs of earrings.

I’m definitely going to be trying more ideas like this, it’s so much fun, and the results are super cool.

recycled glass earrings

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I did not set out to make these earrings…

recycled glass earrings

…but I’m glad I did!

I had in my mind a slightly more complicated pair of earrings, and when I started putting THEM together it was like “this is all wrong!”  I have to keep in mind that I can be a fairly harsh critic of my work, but I still have to be pleased with what I make.

I also didn’t have a huge amount of time to spend on this project today. And when I’m worried about things like that it kind of helps me to push most of my thoughts out of my head, and just go with a certain type of flow.

This morning I simply said “what if” when I picked up these beads. I did try adding crystals and spacers in between, but decided that simple was best. The brown beads are from a Coopers Ale beer bottle (lightly etched) and the blue bead on top is from a Bombay Sapphire Gin bottle. The bead in between is from a wine bottle decorated with frit (smashed up glass).

And that is a rather long story of how I made a pair of earrings this morning!

recycled glass earrings