Now this is not only a Statement Necklace, but also a Conversation Necklace. I think I like that term, conversation. Because that’s exactly what this necklace does, it starts a conversation. I imagine the conversation would go something like this:
Person: “Wow, that’s an amazing necklace.”
Me: “Thank you, it’s actually made from beer bottles!”
Person: “Beer bottles? What do you mean?”
Me: “Well, I smash up beer bottles, and then make glass beads. These beads have also been decorated with gold leaf.”
Person: “Oh, that’s incredible, I love it. Do you use other glass?”
Me: “I can, definitely.”
Person: “Fantastic, I love it. I have this champagne bottle that I drank at my 50th birthday party, it was a very special bottle, and a very special occasion. Do you think you could make some beads from that, and a necklace like that for me?”
Me: “Of course I can, it’s what I love to do the most, make special jewellery for people.”
Now, that’s actually the shortened version of a real conversation I recently had with someone, admittedly I was not wearing this exact necklace, but I imagine it could start a similar conversation. What conversations could you have if you were wearing this necklace?
Person: “Wow, that’s a beautiful necklace.”
You: “Why thank you, I love wearing it, it’s actually made from beer bottles.”
Person: “Beer bottles?”
You: “Yes, the person who made it makes the beads from beer bottles.”
Person: “Oh wow, that’s awesome, and very eco-friendly. What a cool necklace to wear. You have excellent taste.”
You: “Thanks.”
(Sorry, that’s a little bit silly, but a necklace like this would definitely be noticed)!