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Blues and Greens

recycled glass bracelet

I think I might have made this bracelet 5 different ways this afternoon! I had all sorts of beads out over my desk, and nothing was quite working for the longest time.

So I stopped for lunch, played with the kids (it’s a public holiday here), and then went back to it after a while. I wish I could say “and voila” but I did end up with this bracelet (and I think it’s rather pretty)!

Beads were made from various wine and gin bottles with assorted embellishments.

recycled glass bracelet

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Mixed blues and greens – recycled glass necklace

Recycled glass necklace

These are some of my favourite beads to make, and I love the mix of colours in this necklace. It feels just right for a warm day like it is here.

I have used an assortment of recycled glass to make the beads in this necklace. It has ended up being a longer style necklace, another option that is perfect in this warmer weather.

Recycled glass necklace

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The Colour Brown – add some Green

This is part of a series of posts about colour.  This month I am focusing on the colour brown.

Remember last month when I was talking about the colour red?  I mentioned that the complimentary colour for red was green.  And I might have mentioned that I wasn’t a huge fan of that colour combination because it looked a bit “christmassy”?

Well, the same cannot be said for the colour brown with green.  Colours straight out of nature (think trees), but they work so well in jewellery too!  What I really like about this combination is that it can be worn with lots of different clothes.  All of your browns, greens and even RED will work with this jewellery.

Short brown and green handmade glass bead necklace by Julie Frahm

Long brown and green glass bead necklace by Julie Frahm

Long brown and green handmade glass bead necklace by Julie Frahm - worn doubled

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On my walk this morning…

Morning Walk Inspiration

This morning I am feeling grateful:

  • I had an amazing day at Red Poles Sea and Vine Festival Pop-Up Market on Saturday.  I shared a gazebo with 2 other lovely artists, and we spent the quiet parts of the day chatting, eating cheese platters and maybe indulging in one glass of bubbles!
  • I am grateful for my husband, supporting me in the business I choose to run, and looking after the kids when I have to work.  Seriously lucky.
  • I am doing a great course at the moment on wholesaling my products, and I am extremely grateful for all of the information, new ideas, and actions that I am taking as a result.  I have no idea where all of this will end up, but it’s exciting!
  • Thanks for the orders that have come through for the new colour of the month jewellery.  I took some of it to the markets, and it got a really great response.  Thank you.

And a big thanks to you for reading my blog!

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On my walk this morning…

Morning walk by the River Murray

Things inspiring me right now:

  • The new book by Pip Lincolne – Craft for the Soul.  My heart races as I read it!
  • My shift at T’Arts on Saturday!  It was great to take everything off the shelf, and start again.  I was happy when I left, and even had a chance to think about some new work.
  • An afternoon at the Art Gallery of South Australia.  Yesterday was a stunning autumn day, and perfect for visiting the gallery cafe and indulging in a glass of bubbles.
  • Getting up and walking in the morning.  Yes, it’s getting colder, but that just means adding a pair of gloves and walking a bit faster.  A great way to start the day.
  • My kids!  After spending many hours out of the house over the weekend, away from them, it was lovely to come home and cuddle with them on the lounge, watching TV, while Nick cooked tea!  It’s lovely to have some time away from them every now and then, but it’s also lovely hanging out with them.

Hope you are having a great week.

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Great selection of etched glass bead jewellery by Julie FrahmBlack and white handmade glass bead jewellery by Julie FrahmColour Wheel jewellery by Julie Frahm

I had to pick my work up from a little shop in Adelaide recently.  It was a tough decision, but with so many time constraints upon me, I just had to focus my energy in areas that were working.  I hadn’t sold any work in this little shop for many months, and I couldn’t find the energy to make more work in an attempt to increase sales there.  There was nothing wrong with the work that was there, it was just time to pack it up.

When it came time to look at the work that had been packed up, I was feeling very nostalgic.  It was work from the last few years of exhibitions that I have done.  The top photo was from my 2014 SALA exhibition.  The middle and bottom photos were from my 2013 Colour Wheel exhibition.  I loved putting those exhibitions together.  For both exhibitions I tried new things, some of which worked well, some not so well.

Looking at this old work from past exhibitions, reminded me to keep trying new things.  That is the point of exhibitions really.  It is lovely when the work you do resonates with people and they buy it, of course it is.  But more importantly for me is the making of new work.  The extra time I can spend dwelling on design, creating a cohesive exhibition of work, is worth it.  I love this time of year, a time to ferment and plan and plot out ideas for my next exhibition(s).  I can’t wait to see what comes out of my head this year for the 2 SALA exhibitions I am part of.

As you can tell, I loved seeing this old work again!  I will be taking it to markets in the near future, but if there is anything here that you like the look of, please send me an email.

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The Colour Purple – with a splash of red

This is part of a series of posts about colour.  This month I am focusing on the colour purple.

Beautiful selection of purple handmade glass beads by Julie Frahm

Love this purple handmade glass bead necklace by Julie Frahm

Last week I introduced you to the colour purple.  I mentioned that a lot of colours worked really well with purple.  I have quite a few favourite colour combinations that I particularly like, but my favourite is purple teamed with some red!

All shades of purple and red (even splashes of bright pink), work beautifully together to create really stunning necklaces.

This is mostly because red and purple are on the same side of the colour wheel, so when you use these colours they work well together in an Analagous Colour Scheme kind of way!

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On my walk this morning…

Morning Walk 11 May 2015


I nearly didn’t go for a walk this morning!  We had a big weekend visiting our mum’s for Mother’s Day.  I hadn’t slept very well most of the weekend.  So I didn’t set my alarm this morning, because I wanted to get as much sleep as possible.  When I woke up there was still time for a walk, and I’m glad I made the effort.

I’ve got lots to think about at the moment:

  • I was accepted to exhibit at the Adelaide City Library as part of their SALA Festival program.  Opening night will be 31 July.  My exhibition theme is “fleur verre” which means glass flowers in French.  Inspired by French painters, flowers and glass!  All the work will be made from recycled glass sources, and while I have a sketchy idea of what I am going to display, I also have a lot of work to do before the exhibition opens.
  • I was also accepted to exhibit at Pepper Street as part of their SALA Festival program.  The theme of their exhibition is “Renew“, and I will also have a selection of new recycled glass work available.  Again, ideas are floating around in my head for this one, but I will have to properly design it all soon so I can get started on the work.  July will be here before I am ready for it!
  • On Saturday I get to work in T’Arts, which I love!  I enjoy playing around with my display, meeting new customers, and looking at all of the wonderful work in the shop created by the artists who are part of the collective.

Have a great week.

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The Colour Purple

This is part of a series of posts about colour.  This month I am focusing on the colour purple.

Beautiful purple necklace with handmade glass beads by Julie Frahm

Purple is such a calm, soothing colour, and from my experience, purple is one of the colours most bought as a gift for someone else.  I think that’s because it is really hard to dislike the colour purple.  If you are going to wear purple, it will go with a lot of other colours – red, brown, yellow, blue, black, pink.  It looks great on most people, and it’s extremely versatile.

The tricky thing is that there are many, many different shades of purple.  If you ask me to make you a purple necklace, there will be dozens of rods of glass that I can choose from.  Luckily, they all look great together!

I recently made this purple necklace, with lots of different shades of purple. It attracted a lot of attention when I put it out on display at the Flinders Street Market, and the first person to try it on ended up buying it.  A beautiful necklace, with a lot of really interesting beads on it. I enjoyed putting it together.

Next week I’ll start showing you some colours that look great with purple.

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On my walk this morning…

Morning Walk May 4

It was such a beautiful morning for a walk.

I was thinking about how amazing the Flinders Street Market was on Saturday.  It was wonderful re-connecting with some customers that I haven’t seen for a few years.  It was really nice to put faces to names of people who I have previously only known online.  It was a lovely to meet lots of new people, to show them my work, to get some great feedback on it all.  Thanks to everyone who stopped by for a visit.

Don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter for your chance to win a pair of earrings of your choice from my online shop!  The winner will be notified in June.